Sunday, August 9, 2009

Sunday Scribblings - New

I just love to see the prompts pop up every week for the Sun Scribblings. Each time some diffrent idea fills my head. This week, a cute little poem. Enjoy!

The Barbie Dream House sat gleaming
The bikes shiny chrome still shone
Movies crinkled, their plastic wraps pristine
While books remained alone.

I bent to retrieve scattered paper,
All crumbled and torn
When giggles erupted
On that one special morn...

One boy and one girl
In their old fuzzy socks
Hiding from me
In that new dishwasher box

For more fun posts, stop by the Sunday Scribblings blog.


  1. What a wonderful memory...and you brought it vividly to life! Lovely post.

  2. Love this one Serena, made me smile over similar memories.

  3. Serena, your blog has been awarded the One Lovely Blog Award at

    Stop by and accept your award and pass it on to another deserving blog host/hostess!

  4. Hi Sweetest,
    I'm glad you enjoyed the post. :)Thanks for stopping by!

  5. Hi Nara,
    Thanks! LOL - it's always the most unexpected things they like the most, isn't it.

  6. No fair, I wanted to confer the One Lovely Blog Post Award with you.
    *Pouts* okay. Alanna beat me to it, but it is a great blog and a gentle idea for a lazy Sunday. Thanks for sharing.


  7. Alanna and Gem, you ladies are so awesome! I'm glad you like the blog. I quite enjoy visiting each of yours as well! :)

    Off to find more deserving bloggers! What a fun award. :)

  8. How neatly this poem turns the stereotype of Barbie into an affirmation of love.

  9. i enjoyed reading this a lot. beautiful images created :)

  10. Serena, I love it. As kidlets we loved those giant appliance boxes!

  11. Hi Bluebethley,
    Glad you enjoyed the poem. Thanks for stopping by. :)

  12. Hey Savanna,
    Weren't those boxes the best...they could be anything. Boats, Cars, Spaceships to Mars... What we couldn't do with a permanent marker and a pair of scissors as well! Thanks for stopping by!

  13. Sweet one! I enjoyed this one! :)

  14. dogs and kids would rather have the box! The box has never lost it's appeal.
    Congrats on the release of your book!

  15. Hi Bobbie,
    I'm glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for stopping by

  16. Hi Daily Panic,
    Isn't that just the case. Shoot, maybe I should just buy myself all kinds of awesome gifts and give them the boxes...LOL

    Probably not!

    Thanks! I'm still over the moon excited that it's finally out!!

    Have a great week!

  17. Beautiful, We sometimes forget that the simple things can just as much fun for kids as some modern trendy toy can be....and that those simple things enhance creativity in them.
    Congratulations on the book!

  18. Thanks linda may,
    So right you are about enhancing their creativity. Such an important thing to, but sadly we grown-ups sometimes forget that. Thank goodness the little ones remind us in such cute ways. :)

    Thanks...I really should be writing the next in the series, but I'm still over the moon about this story. :)
