Monday, January 31, 2011
Monday Morning, er Now Afternoon, Disconnect...
I've begun to notice a trend in my life, I'm calling it the Monday Morning Disconnect. It seems that after the loud and busy weekends around my place, filled with family time, essential chores and little writing or computer time, Monday's have become the day I sit and look at the computer and all of my wip and find my brain, disconnected...
~the number you are calling has been disconnected or is no longer in service...~
That's my brain! Fried, frazzled and out of service; not a pretty picture, of that I can assure you.
What do I do then to get myself back on track?
~Hang up and try your call again.~
Yes, I've tried that too , but to no avail. I watched the snow fall (yes, we're getting more of the white stuff) I've played with my dogs, I've listened to music, I've even contemplated taking a nap, but that won't get it done either.
Soon I'm off to get my darling diva from school...tomorrow is another day, let's hope my brain is back on the hook!
Have a lovely and productive day everyone!
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Wednesday Word of the Day
Katzenjammer \KAT-suhn-jam-er\, noun:
1. The discomfort and illness experienced as the aftereffects of excessive drinking; hangover.
2. Uneasiness; anguish; distress.
3. Uproar; clamor.
~Number one puts a whole new spin on the kids cartoon, The Katzenjammer Kids!~
wed word
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Tuesday Two - Robert Frost
I've felt very poetic lately, though not in the writing of it more the reading of it, so I thought I'd share. I, myself, go through times when just letting the verses flow over me, ignites something in my soul. Today it was Robert Frost's works that spoke to me.
Here's a Tuesday tidbit for you too...
Did you know that Robert Frost recited a poem at John F Kennedy's inauguration? And the poem he read?
It was, The Gift Outright. I've added it to the bottom of the post as an added bonus.
The Road Not Taken
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
~Robert Frost (1874-1963)
Fire And Ice
Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I’ve tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great,
And would suffice.
~Robert Frost (1874-1963)
Bonus Poem...
The Gift Outright
The land was ours before we were the land's.
She was our land more than a hundred years
Before we were her people. She was ours
In Massachusetts, in Virginia,
But we were England's, still colonials,
Possessing what we still were unpossessed by,
Possessed by what we now no more possessed.
Something we were withholding made us weak
Until we found out that it was ourselves
We were withholding from our land of living,
And forthwith found salvation in surrender.
Such as we were we gave ourselves outright
(The deed of gift was many deeds of war)
To the land vaguely realizing westward,
But still unstoried, artless, unenhanced,
Such as she was, such as she would become.
~Robert Frost (1874-1963)
Robert Frost,
tues two,
tuesday tidbit
Friday, January 21, 2011
It's Like Naming A Baby...
Okay, maybe not exactly like that, but sometimes it feels darn close. What am I talking about, you ask?
Let me start again...
I've finished a story. Woot! Well, almost finished, see now I have to settle on a title and much like when naming a baby, I've gone round and round about what to call it. Most of the time a working title presents itself to me right from the get go and I use some variation of that at the end, but this story has been stubborn. No stand out title has ever presented itself so I've limped along just calling it magic.
Now that I'm ready to submit, I need a title I love, like or can live with. LOL
I want it to be short and sweet, concise and memorable. I want it to look good on the cover I see in my dreams. I want it to fit the story. And if I'm lucky enough to sell the story; I know the title could change, but until then I want the story to put its best foot forward and that includes having a snappy title.
So, back to the drawing board. Bring on the titles!
Have a fabulous weekend!
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Wednesday Word of the Day
Chatoyant \shuh-TOI-uhnt\, adjective:
1. Having changeable lustre; twinkling.
2. (Of a gem, esp a cabochon) displaying a band of light reflected off inclusions of other minerals.
~What a great way to describe a character of the paranormal variety!~
wed word
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Wednesday Word of the Day
Chaffer \CHAF-er\, verb:
1. To bargain; haggle.
1. Bargaining; haggling.
1. To bandy words; chatter.
wed word
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Tuesday Temptation - Poetry
There is no frigate like a book
There is no frigate like a book
To take us lands away,
Nor any coursers like a page
Of prancing poetry:
This traverse may the poorest take
Without oppress of toll;
How frugal is the chariot
That bears the human soul!
~~Emily Dickinson (1830-1886)
~~Emily Dickinson (1830-1886)
~Wise words, are they not.~
emily dickinson,
Tempting Tue
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Tuesday Tidbit - Fallingwater
This house, designed by one of America's most famous architect, Frank Lloyd Wright is located in Mill Run, Pennsylvania.
Built between 1936 and 1939 it is so named Fallingwater because it is built atop a 30' waterfall and it does not even appear to sit on solid ground.
Once a family vacation home for department store owners the Kaufmann's, Fallingwater is now a National Historic Landmark open for tours. You can find more information about this fascinating home at
~I've always adored Frank Lloyd Wrights works and enjoy sharing its beauty with others. Can you imagine living on and listening to a waterfall... I think I'd be the most relaxed person in existence! ;) ~
Frank Lloyd Wright,
tuesday tidbit
Sunday, January 2, 2011
2010 Reading list
128. Shadow Bound by Erin Kellison
127. One Tough Marine by Paula Graves
126. The Devil's Playground by Jenna Black
125. Speak of the Devil by Jenna Black
124. Love in the Time of Dragons by Katie MacAlister
123. Messing Around With Max by Lori Foster
122. Annie, Get Your Guy by Lori Foster
121. Little Miss Innocent? by Lori Foster
120. Blood Spells by Jessica Andersen
119. Tantalizing by Lori Foster
118. Fantasy by Lori Foster
117. The Trouble With Paradise by Jill Shalvis
116. Snug In His Bed by Rhonda Nelson
115. Her Secret Santa by Jill Shalvis
114. No Mistletoe Required by Vicki Lewis Thompson
113. Riding the Edge by Jaci Burton
112. Lucky Break by Carly Phillips
111. The Dragon Master by Allyson James
110. Magic on the Wind by Christine Feehan
109. Styx's Storm by Lora Leigh
108. Crave by J.R. Ward
107. Lucky Streak by Carly Phillips
106. The Black Dragon by Allyson James
105. Lucky Charm by Carly Phillips
104. Dragon Heat by Allyson James
103. Hot Property by Carly Phillips
102. Infinity - Chronicles of Nick by Sherrilyn Kenyon
101. Body Search by Jessica Andersen
100. Taken by Midnight by Lara Adrain
99. Hot Number by Carly Phillips
98. Chains of Fire by Christina Dodd
97. Nauti Kisses by Lora Leigh
96. Simply Irresistible by Jill Shalvis
95. Renegade by Lora Leigh
94. Whisper Kiss by Deborah Cooke
93. No Mercy by Sherrilyn Kenyon
92. Sizzling Sixteen by Janet Evanovich
91. Entwined by Elisabeth Naughton
90. Summer Skies by Judy Christenberry
89. Tempting the Beast by Lora Leigh
88. Black Magic by Cherry Adair
87. The Heat Is On by Jill Shalvis
86. Dark Peril by Christine Feehan
85. Bound by Darkness by Annette McCleave
84. In Other Worlds by Sherrilyn Kenyon
83. Water Bound by Christine Feehan
82. Wild Instinct by Sarah McCarty
81. The Man Within by Lora Leigh
80. Kiss of Heat by Lora Leigh
79. Darker Than Night by Kim Lenox
78. Red Demon by Deidre Knight
77. Wolfe's Hope by Lora Leigh
76. Devlin Dynasty: Running Mate by Jaci Burton
75. Lunewulf: Pack Law by Lorie O'Clare
74. Moon Lust by Sherri L. King
73. The Darkest Lie by Gena Showalter
72. Moving Violations by Lora Leigh & Veronica Chadwick
71. Tales of the Otherworld by Kelley Armstrong
70. Chains of Ice by Christina Dodd
69. Heart Of The Dragon by Gena Showalter
68. Delicious by Shayla Black
67. The Bodyguard by Cerry Adair, Gena Showalter, Lorie O'Clare
66. Into the Dark by Gena Showalter
65. The Darkest Passion by Gena Showalter
64. Storm of Shadows by Christina Dodd
63. Nowhere to Run by Suzanne Brockmann
62. Bullet by Laurell K. Hamilton
61. Wild Fire by Christine Feehan
60. Hidden Current by Christine Feehan
59. Shades of Midnight by Lara Adrain
58. Love Me To Death by Maggie Shayne
57. Lover Mine by J.R. Ward
56. The Darkest Angel by Gena Showalter
55. Safe Harbor by Christine Feehan
54. Oceans of Fire by Christine Feehan
53. Storm of Visions by Christina Dodd
52. Viking Unchained by Sandra Hill
51. Fade to Midnight by Shannon McKenna
50. Into the Flame by Christina Dodd
49. Into the Shadow by Christina Dodd
48. Drive Me Crazy by Kate Angell
47. Squeeze Play by Kate Angell
46. Touch of Darkness by Christina Dodd
45. Scent of Darkness by Christina Dodd
44. Marked by Elisabeth Naughton
43. Out of the Light/Into the Shadows antho
42. Slow Heat by Jill Shalvis
41. Warrior Ascended by Addison Fox
40. A Twist in Time by Susan Squires
39. Demon Keepers by Jessica Andersen
38. Instant Temptation by Jill Shalvis
37. Lion's Heat by Lora Leigh
36. Black Jack by Lora Leigh
35. Too Wicked to Kiss by Erica Ridley
34. Nauti Deceptions by Lora Leigh
33. Hunting Julian by Jacquelyn Frank
32. Stolen Seduction by Elisabeth Naughton
31. Winter Kiss by Deborah Cooke
30. Tail of Love - collected works
29. Kiss of Fate by Deborah Cooke
28. Kiss of Fury by Deborah Cooke
27. Kiss and Kill Cupid by Jamie Rush
26. Hearts Untamed by Pamela Palmer
25. Blood Drive by Jeanne C. Stein
24. Bad Moon Rising by Sherrilyn Kenyon
23. Born of Ice by Sherrilyn Kenyon
22. The Becoming by Jeanne C. Stein
21. Flirt by Laurell K. Hamilton
20. Sky Keepers by Jessica Andersen
19. Back in Black by Lori Foster
18. Kiss of a Dark Moon by Sharie Kohler
17. Desire Never Dies by Jenna Petersen
16. Marked by Moonlight by Sharie Kohler
15. Guilty Pleasure by Lora Leigh
14. Crazy For You by Kate Angell
13. Her Notorious Viscount by Jenna Petersen
12. Beyond the Pale by Savannah Russe
11. Street Game by Christine Feehan
10. Drawn into Darkness by Annette McCleave
9. Lessons From A Courtesan by Jenna Petersen
8. Strike Zone by Kate Angell
7. Curveball by Kate Angell
6. Scarlet by Jordan Summers
5. The Club by Sharon Page
4. Playing with Fire by Gena Showalter
3. Divine Misdemeanors by Laurell K Hamilton
2. The Darkest Whisper by Gena Showalter
1. Sliding Home by Kate Angell
2010 reading list
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