The light drew her to this spot,
deep in the forest green. An isolated, solitary spot overflowing with a
sense of peace she’d searched for nearly all of her forty-one years—most
especially in the last week. She wanted
to walk into the warm glow, let it bathe her in acceptance and relaxation. She longed to release her fears of losing her
sweet lamb of a pooch to another set of cluster seizures that wracked his
little body weekend before last. She
sought for a way to help the family member lost to her through mental illness. She ached for family and friends, suffering
in this lost world.
For hours she sat watching the white
radiance shine down in front of her—steady and consistent. She dreamed up stories of portals to other
places, shifts to different time’s even spots of alien abductions, anything to
take her away from the reality of her life.
Though she’d been tempted to step into the white radiance, she didn’t. The squashing of her fantasies would be more
than she could take today.
As she walked away dreams intact,
she missed the man half emerged from the light reaching his hand out for
her. “Jo, my love, I’m here.”
A Day in the Life of Serena
Song of the Day:
Up For The) Sunrise by Duran Duran. More than a week later and I'm still hung up on this song. Mostly, 'cause it's a great song, but also it's very inspiring for my mood. It's helping me remember that while there is stress in life (a lot in my life right now) everyday is a chance for happiness and it's a gift I'll willingly accept!
Currently Reading: Playing Dead by Allison Brennan
Currently Writing: Nothing but focus on editing.
The Submission
Quote of the Day:
I lie to myself all the time. But I never believe me.
S.E. Hinton
The author of
The Outsiders.
The Outsiders. I love this was the first book I devoured enough times to wear out the book. Even with the pages falling out, I read it one more time...