Tuesday, May 13, 2014


~Aaaah, my eyes, it burns, it burns!~

Is what I would be saying if there were any sun to be seen today, the day I'm climbing - pasty pale with bloody fingertips and bloodshot eyes - out of my self-imposed hole.  Alas, it is cloudy and on the verge of rain in my neck of the woods, but I'm still grinning.

Why? Why would I be grinning and happy even on a cool, wet day?  Well let me tell ya...

I'm done with my Spring semester college classes! ~happy dance~ I'm exhausted and my brain is still a bit soft from all of the information I forced into it this semester, but now I have the summer to get back to normal and prepare for the fall.  Thank Lupa!

I'm at a crossroads though...

What should I be doing?  I definitely need to get back on the roll of blogging, both here and over at Shapeshifter Seductions.  I need to write...but what?  Mz. Muse is spinning in circles trying to decide what she wants to work on, but she's also chomping at the bit for some reading stimulus.  What to do? What to do?

For the time being I think I'll indulge our reading needs, while jotting down story and blog post ideas. One of the ideas will grab Mz. Muse and ignite her passion. And then the writing will begin!

So, does anyone have a book recommendation for us?  These inquiring minds want to know.