After a nice long, and busy, four day weekend with my family...muse and I are in agreement. We're exhausted and burned(literally not figuratively). My pasty white skin has lost all of the tan ability it gathered in the ten years I lived in, I go lobster red. ~Sigh~
So I need an enticement for my flagging wordsmith. Something to get her juices running. Something to bring the words back...
Scrabble anyone?
A Day in the Life of Serena
Song of the Day: Multiple Selena Gomez songs...Darling Diva asked for my opinion on which ones might work for her next voice lesson. Yay! I love being asked to help her. :D
Currently Reading: A Clandestine Affair by Joanna Wayne
Currently Writing: Plotting for Friday's Shapeshifter blog, I hope. Editing: The Submission
Quote of the Day: Poets have been mysteriously silent on the subject of cheese.
G.K. Chesterton
~hehe, this just kind of tickles me. Maybe today is a cheese poem day?~
Word of the Day: Chrestomathy \kres-TOM-uh-thee\, noun: A collection of selected literary passages.
Chrestomathy literally means "useful to learn" in Greek, from the roots chres- meaning "to use" and math- meaning "to learn."