Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Wednesday Word of the Day

Profluent \PROF-loo-uhnt\, adjective:
Flowing smoothly or abundantly forth.

~Ha!  There are many a day when I would love to be profluent.~

Profluent is derived from the Latin word prōfluere, which meant "to flow forth."

A Day in the Life of Serena

Song of the Day:  I Feel The Earth Move by Carole King
Currently Reading:  Deadly Sins by Lora Leigh 
Currently Writing:  Ideas and plot for werewolf story.  Editing:  The Submission 
Awesome New Find:  AutoCrit  I've been trying out the free version to see if this would be a useful thing for me and so far I'm loving it!


  1. Profluent... interesting... I wonder if the word, affluent, is related?

    "I Feel The Earth Move by Carole King" Yep, always felt 'moved' by, and enjoyed that song!

    AutoCrit ?

  2. Oh I would bet affluent is definitely related...that was the first word I thought of when I read it. :)

    I feel the earth move under my feel, the sky tumbling down... I adore that song!!

    Yes, AutoCrit, it offers tons of useful critiquing info. Word over usage, sentence length and cliches are covered under the free membership, but there are so many other things that are offered with a paid membership. I'm still trying to decide if it would work well for me. :)
