Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Tuesday Temptation - An Epic Winner!

What can I tempt you with this Tuesday? How about the Best Western/Erotic Romance of 2009. Gem Sivad's Intimate Strangers is a powerful love story set in the Old West. Her characters are both flawed and fantastic, their love took work and their sex...was tempting!

Congrats for the win Gem! You deserve it, Intimate Strangers is wonderful!

Buy Intimate Strangers Here


  1. Hey, that was some testimonial. *Grin* from the EPIC Awards.

    The award was right on time. It kept me from getting frustrated and deleting my whole current wip!

    I've said it before...writing is hard.What makes it doable (is that a word?) is the writing friends like you I've made this year.

    Thanks for the congrats Serena.


  2. Hey Jolie,
    Thanks for stopping by. :)

  3. ~Gasp~
    Just say no, Gem! Please don't delete your stories, I would miss them so! :)
    Darn tooting writing is hard, but so worth it and you're right, good friends make it that much easier! Thanks for being one! ((hugs))

  4. Serena, so glad you put Gem Sivad's epic winning novel up as your Tuesday Temptation!

    Gem, the writing muses move in mysterious ways, don't they. Congrats isn't adequate, but I'll say it just the same!
