Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Workshop Wednesday

Sex & Violence (Without the Sex) and Alpha Male Warriors with Bob Mayer

April 4, 2010 – April 18, 2010
$15 for PI Members; $20 for Non-members

Writing action scenes requires being in real time and real people. This presentation will focus both on how to write action scenes effectively, but also understanding the subtext to the scene in terms of reality, personalities, and effect on plot and character. Tactics, weapons, hand-to-hand, etc. will be covered. The mindset of a warrior (and the coward) approaching and involved in action scenes will be discussed. Lessons will be presentations with questions to be asked afterward and answered in next lesson.

Six lessons:
1: Character: Who are these people and why are they fighting?
2: Plot, Setting and Point of View in Action scenes.
3: Writing Action
4: Weapons, tactics, martial arts, and how to kill with your pinkie.
5: The mind of the Warrior.
6: Wrap up and final questions answered.

NY Times bestselling author Bob Mayer has 40 books published. He has over three million books in print and is in demand as a team-building, life-change, and leadership speaker and consultant. Bob graduated from West Point and served in the military as a Special Forces A-Team leader and a teacher at the JFK Special Warfare Center & School. He earned a black belt in martial arts while living in the Orient. His latest book is Who Dares Wins: The Green Beret Way to Conquer Fear & Succeed. He teaches novel writing and improving the author via his Warrior-Writer program. For more information see his website.

To Pay Online : Using PayPal (PayPal), send payment to with “WORKSHOP – Sex and Violence” as the subject. In the “message” section, include Your Name and Email Address.

For more information:

Cost: $15 for Passionate Ink Members, $20 for non-members

To pay by check, print this page and send with a check to
Passionate Ink Workshops
c/o Robin L. Rotham
P.O. Box 2412
Norfolk, NE 68701


  1. Yeah, I'd like to learn how to use my pinkie effectively.

    Know how he's going to do the workshop. Dial-up isn't good for some types of workshops.

  2. Hi Jolie,
    ~waving~ thanks for stopping by!

  3. ~Hehe~ Me too, Savanna.
    The workshop is going to be on the PI forum, like our flash. :)
