Thursday, July 16, 2009

My fingers ~and toes~ are crossed!

So tonight's the night. The Passionate Ink Party: The Politics of Passion will be held tonight in Washington DC. Food, drinks and a group of awesome inker's gather to visit with chapter mates, listen to the fabulous speakers and find out who won the Passionate Plume and Stroke of Midnight contests.

Man I wish I could be there. Mostly because I've never been and would like to meet my fellow inker's, but also because I finaled in the SOM contest. Alas, this year my funds did not match my desire, so I'll cheer on my fellow finalists from here, including my critique partner Lyra Verna and fellow Shapeshifter Seductions bloggist, Paris Brandon! Go ladies!!

Have a great party everyone!



    You must be on the proverbial pins and needles.

    It would be so fun and cool to attend the PI party... if only... sigh...

  2. Thanks! I am on pins and needles. :)

    Yep, it would be fun to attend one. Maybe some day. :)

  3. I saw the announcement...congrats

  4. Thanks Nara! I was excited to be among a fine group of writers. :)

  5. Serena-I wish you luck. I'm in the same situation with two competitions with William F. Cody, a doll sculpture. It'll be awhile. I would love to be there,but can't afford it. Oh, I hope you win!!!

  6. Thanks Lynda! No win this time, but an awesome experiance none the less. Good luck with William F Cody!
