Monday, July 2, 2012

Monday Muse...

Erol circled the hidden mountain lake above Talbot's Peak.  His emerald and violet wings spread wide and cut through the cool, high altitude air.  This was the only place safe enough for a dragon to fly away his worries.  Of late, his distress was all focused on Greely and her refusal to hop-to his call. Could Karma be right?  Were his courtship skills lacking?

A Day in the Life of Serena 
Song of the DayThe Chain by Fleetwood Mac

Currently Reading:  At Last by Jill Shalvis

Currently Writing:  Blogging.  Editing:  The Submission

Quote of the DayThe most exhausting thing in life, I have discovered, is being insincere.

Anne Morrow Lindbergh


  1. Oh, Erol, your lady love awaits. You need but understand how to woo and win her.

  2. Hehe, yes he does. I see some classes at the pleasure club in his future!
