Thursday, July 8, 2010

Thursday Thirteen - Mythological Names For Heroines J-Z

1. Jaya - Indian, Hinduism
2. Kallisto - Roman
3. Lilita - Indian, Hinduism
4. Larisa - Russian
5. Maeve - Irish
6. Marama - Polynesian
7. Padma - Indian, Hinduism
8. Proserpina - Roman
9. Reva - Indian, Hinduism
10. Rhiannon - Welsh
11. Selene - Greek
12. Verdandi - Norse
13. Ziva - Slavic


  1. Fab Warrioress pic!

    Those are some of my fave names and one my doggie babes is named Rhiannon

  2. Ooh I know Savanna, I was totally drawn to the pic when I came across it. :)

    I love the name Rhiannon and the Fleetwood Mac song as well. Do you abbriviate your doggie babes name to Rhi? LOL, I always end up doing stuff like that. ;)

  3. Hi Nara,
    I saw your post come through my email, but apparently blogger had a snafu. ;)

    I too like Iris and yep, it is greek for the rainbow goddess. :)

  4. No, I call her Rhiannon... strange, a lot of time I do shorten their names. However, Mom calls her Nefertiti... just because that's how she sees her.
