Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Wednesday Word of the Day

Cordate \KAWR-deyt\, adjective:
1. Heart-shaped.
2. (Of leaves) heart-shaped, with the attachment at the notched end.

~A perfect word for around Valentine's Day!~

Related to core, cordate comes from the Latin word for heart, cor, and the suffix -ate which forms an adjective from a noun.  ~

A Day in the Life of Serena

Song of the Day:  As A Blonde by Selena Gomez  -  Darling Diva so enjoys this singer that I hear it quite often.  It's a fun song, but I always change it to As A Redhead ~ LOL  
Currently Reading:  Hot for the Holiday's Anthology
Currently Writing:  A Talbot's Peak short story (Hawke & Ally)  Editing:  The Submission 



  1. Interesting background on cordate... any word related to the heart is good...

    Hot for the Holidays... sounds sexy-delish...

    1. Yep, Hot for the Holidays was quite a sexy read! ;)
