Friday, January 20, 2012

Friday Retro...

Look, it's me!  Okay, maybe it's me from a past life, but I can definitely see myself in today's retro picture.  I adore the fashion of the time - hats, big coats, and sturdy, yet gorgeous, shoes.  Then throw in coffee time girl gabs and yeah, I'm right there!

Pictures like this bring me back to my grandmother's closet; to a place of warmth, of comfort, and with that wonderful Grams smell filling the small space.  Then, of course, there was all of the fabulous hats & shoes I would try on like a fiend, practicing my high-heel walk.  My Grandmother's Closet...there's a poem there somewhere.  :)


  1. Oooh, can I be one them? They look so healthy! unlike what I see today. And, yeah, wouldn't it be loverly to dress up like that and enjoy time together?

    1. Of course you are one of them! Dressed in lovely old clothes, we'd drink coffee, tea or a darn fine wine and gab about life, love and story plots! A perfect afternoon. :)

  2. Oh,yes, story plots! I think I'm on Chapter Eight of The Submission.

    1. Woot! I hope you're enjoying it and I can't wait to see what you think. :)
