Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Tuesday Temptation - A Staged Affair by Gem Sivad

King Colton rules his 10,000 acre Texas ranch, needing no one until he meets a flame-haired Shakespearean actress who steals his heart.

Anna Fuller gives up the stage for their passionate affair. Sparks fly and a battle begins where love is the prize and sex is the ultimate weapon.

Whew!  This is for sure a Tuesday Temptation not to be missed.   Gem Sivad has one heck of a knack for bringing sexy and erotic fun to the old west!

With King Colton and Anna Fuller, we get action, fiery tempers, sizzling sex and best of all, a hero and heroine with matching temperaments.  Their playful banter and sometimes head-butting ways, make getting to the end of the book a hell of a lot of fun! 

Brava Gem!  Brava!

Buy ebook   Buy Kindle

Check out Gem's website for more fabulous reads!

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