Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Tuesday Trivia

Okay, now this is an interesting bit of trivia, well, at least to me it is.  LOL 


Question:  What is the largest word with its letters in the descending order?

Don't peek...
Almost got it?

Answer:  Spoonfeed

Whoda thunk it.  ~wink~
Have a great Tuesday!


  1. Wow... now that's a word I would never have thought of... but, heck, it certainly describes the lamestream news these day. I never understood spoonfeeding education to kids, a practice I decried for years. However, now I know why it was done. You're not supposed to think for yourself, just believe whatever is spoonfed to you...

  2. ~Gasp~ Raise our children to think for themselves???? I do declare....Heck yeah!! ;)

  3. All praise to my mom and dad, who were independent-minded, and did their best to raise all of us that way. And, our family must have the independence gene because we were all that way naturally, anyway... except for my youngest brother. He tended to follow any crowd that would accept him. We all did our best to turn him around. In the end it didn't work. Bless him, he's passed. He was exceptionally intelligent, amazing in so many ways, and a whiz at math stuff... but he had that one flaw he could never quite get past.
