Thursday, February 25, 2010

Piracy - A Continuing Problem

My thanks go out to Crystal Kauffman for posting this link over at Shapeshifter Seductions yesterday.

I suppose it was bound to happen, and now it has... Pirated ebooks being sold on ebay. ~sigh~

I won't rehash all of the reasons pirating is wrong...everyone knows it is, most especially the pirates, but I will say to the pirates, to ebay, to anyone willing to listen...

Writing is Hard! It takes dedication, love, pain, emotional upheaval, time, faith, persistence and so many more things. Ask any of my fellow authors and they will tell you the same thing. So when someone takes your work and gives it away, it frustrates and angers us, but to profit from it...that is a slap in the face!

Please take a moment to read the petition below and please sign.

Online petition - Open Letter to eBay and CEO about VeRO Improvements


  1. Serena, it's one thing for a person to resell your book on ebay. It's another thing for them to sell ebooks, especially like one gal was doing for Siren's menage books.
    She was grouping them and selling the whole group for fifty bucks.
    Diana did shut them down.

  2. So true, Savanna. :) I'm glad Diana was able to get them shut down...the whole thing is just so frustrating.
